• Discovery of New Exoplanet Leads to World War-The War to Conquer the Planet

    The police are after him. They want to arrest him. Arrest him for anti-government propaganda. The journalist is dangerous for the government. The police officer:...

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    The police are after him. They want to arrest him. Arrest him for anti-government propaganda. The journalist is dangerous for the government. The police officer: Sir, his house is locked. No one there. The chief: Ask neighbours. If they know anything about him. The neighbours have no information about him. The chief: Inform all the...
  • Human Personal Index- The Thirtieth Century Unique Law for Justice

    The earth witnesses third world war. Millions of people die in the war. Millions die in pandemic disease. All these changes occur between the era...

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    The earth witnesses third world war. Millions of people die in the war. Millions die in pandemic disease. All these changes occur between the era 2020 & 2060 AD. The time of the 22nd century & beyond that is the golden time for the earth. The generations of this period are fortunate. It’s a world...
  • Story of the War between Humans and Demons- Demon Enters the Planet

    The world war starts. It’s a proxy war. A war with the inhabitants of the planet earth & the Demon. The war with the invisible...

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    The world war starts. It’s a proxy war. A war with the inhabitants of the planet earth & the Demon. The war with the invisible monster. Thus, the king of the earth urges people to remain in houses. Inside the houses with the door closed. The fiend maybe around your house hidden somewhere. Hence, people...
  • Story of Unidentified Flying Objects- UFO Lands on Earth

    A streak of light is heading towards earth. It’s a UFO. In a fraction of time, it lands on a farm of a village. An...

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    A streak of light is heading towards earth. It’s a UFO. In a fraction of time, it lands on a farm of a village. An eighteen-year-old boy is just passing by the road of the farm. Hence, Tom just stops & looks at the UFO with surprise & curiosity. At the moment, few aliens come...
  • A Journey towards the Parallel Universes- Story about the Anti-matter Worlds

    Dr John is a scientist working at NASA. He is a physicist. But, he has an immense interest in Vedas and such ancient scriptures. Moreover,...

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    Dr John is a scientist working at NASA. He is a physicist. But, he has an immense interest in Vedas and such ancient scriptures. Moreover, recently he is working on antimatter. Antimatter and theories of parallel universes. He is on a visit to India. Therefore, meets & addresses Indian scientist. Thus, carry out dialogues with...
  • Bioluminescence-The 25th Century Light-Emitting Devices

    It is a school. School of 25th century. The school is in the house itself. It’s a small room with a mechanical teacher.  The teacher...

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    It is a school. School of 25th century. The school is in the house itself. It’s a small room with a mechanical teacher.  The teacher is a robot. Thus, the robot teaches a single student. The teacher explains to the girl Margie. Margie is a 13-year-old girl. Robot Sam: Generation of electricity from fossil fuel...
  • Launching Artificial Sun on Mars- A 50th Century Dream

    Four hydrogen atoms combine (Fuse) to produce a helium atom. This is known as nuclear fusion. But, during this process, some mass converts into energy....

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    Four hydrogen atoms combine (Fuse) to produce a helium atom. This is known as nuclear fusion. But, during this process, some mass converts into energy. Thus, huge & tremendous amount of energy is produced during nuclear fusion. The release of energy occurs with zero pollution. Clean energy. No pollutants at all. Nuclear fusion occurs in...
  • The Story of Extraterrestrial Intelligence- Aliens Visits the Zoo

    Around 150 million years ago. It’s an age of the dinosaur. Dinosaurs & Tyrannosaurs. Vegetarian & non-vegetarian creatures. The earth is covered with huge sky-touching...

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    Around 150 million years ago. It’s an age of the dinosaur. Dinosaurs & Tyrannosaurs. Vegetarian & non-vegetarian creatures. The earth is covered with huge sky-touching trees. Covered with wild vegetation. Hence, the earth is completely green with enormous water & heavy rain. Dangerous creatures inhabit the earth. Meat-eating giants, warriors & aviators. The giants fight...
  • Life on the Exoplanet – Beyond Human Imagination

        Astronaut Tony: We are now travelling outside our solar system. We are about 50 light-years from the earth. Astronaut Tom: I can see...

        Astronaut Tony: We are now travelling outside our solar system. We are about 50 light-years from the earth. Astronaut Tom: I can see a huge planet. We are just heading towards it. Tony & Tom are astronauts. Robot astronauts of 50th century. The two astronauts lands on the unknown planet. They are the...
  • The Watery Planet – Life under Water

    Lily, Iesha & Menu are on the way to the school. They are adorned with beautiful flowers & diamonds & precious stones on their heads....

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    Lily, Iesha & Menu are on the way to the school. They are adorned with beautiful flowers & diamonds & precious stones on their heads. They are swimming towards the school. But, their legs are like the tail of a fish. Beautiful bodies & covered with special clothing. Lily: Our teacher is going to discuss...
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