• Story of Unidentified Flying Objects- UFO Lands on Earth

    A streak of light is heading towards earth. It’s a UFO. In a fraction of time, it lands on a farm of a village. An...

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    A streak of light is heading towards earth. It’s a UFO. In a fraction of time, it lands on a farm of a village. An eighteen-year-old boy is just passing by the road of the farm. Hence, Tom just stops & looks at the UFO with surprise & curiosity. At the moment, few aliens come...
  • Parallel Universes-A Story of Our Dual Existence

    The media all over the world is broadcasting weird news. Thus, the people of the world are worried. They suppose some horrible thing is going...

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    The media all over the world is broadcasting weird news. Thus, the people of the world are worried. They suppose some horrible thing is going to happen on the earth. Hence, everyone is curiously observing the news. The televised talks and the interviews are continuously going on. The reporter says, ‘Sir, you are present in...
  • The Watery Planet – Life under Water

    Lily, Iesha & Menu are on the way to the school. They are adorned with beautiful flowers & diamonds & precious stones on their heads....

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    Lily, Iesha & Menu are on the way to the school. They are adorned with beautiful flowers & diamonds & precious stones on their heads. They are swimming towards the school. But, their legs are like the tail of a fish. Beautiful bodies & covered with special clothing. Lily: Our teacher is going to discuss...
  • Soul Transfer Surgery-Story of Artificial Intelligence Leading Humanity

    He is the president of the world government. World government of the planet earth-year 3100 AD. Secretary: The flying machine is ready sir, please come....

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    He is the president of the world government. World government of the planet earth-year 3100 AD. Secretary: The flying machine is ready sir, please come. President: O.K., wait for a few minutes. President is on vacation. Therefore, he leaves for an outing on planet X. Thus, he & his family board the flying ship &...
  • The Reversal of Entropy and the Death of the Universe

      The year was 3050. Humanity experienced irreversible chaos. The entropy of the universe was increasing. The universe was expanding. There was no way to...

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      The year was 3050. Humanity experienced irreversible chaos. The entropy of the universe was increasing. The universe was expanding. There was no way to control the phenomenon of increasing entropy. But let us now understand what entropy is. In scientific terms, it is a “measure” of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system....
  • Mind Uploading Technology of the Next Century- A Short Story

    “Ananya?” “Yes, Grandpa?” “Have you completed your homework?” Ananya was an eight-year-old baby with black hair and a sharp mind. She was the most beloved...

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    “Ananya?” “Yes, Grandpa?” “Have you completed your homework?” Ananya was an eight-year-old baby with black hair and a sharp mind. She was the most beloved child of her grandfather. “Yes, Grandpa, I have,” she said. “But you write it five times in your notebook,” he said. “But, papa, we don’t do that. I work on...
  • Mind Reading Machines of the Future-Machine Reveals the Mystery of a Crime

    Rohan walks gently towards his flat. He walks so because it’s his everyday routine. Hence, a monotonous everyday routine. Every day he comes late from...

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    Rohan walks gently towards his flat. He walks so because it’s his everyday routine. Hence, a monotonous everyday routine. Every day he comes late from his office. He reaches his residence around eight o’clock in the evening. Smita is his wife, married for the last two years. It seems their marriage life is going smoothly...
  • Pushpak Viman- A Story of an Anti-gravity Flying Plane

    The third world war is over. It destroyed most of the population of the planet Earth. Few of the countries of the world have vanished...

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    The third world war is over. It destroyed most of the population of the planet Earth. Few of the countries of the world have vanished from the earth. Those who were in favour or against, are all affected equally. Thus, the world population has decreased to a great extent. And, there starts a new era....
  • Story of the War between Humans and Demons- Demon Enters the Planet

    The world war starts. It’s a proxy war. A war with the inhabitants of the planet earth & the Demon. The war with the invisible...

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    The world war starts. It’s a proxy war. A war with the inhabitants of the planet earth & the Demon. The war with the invisible monster. Thus, the king of the earth urges people to remain in houses. Inside the houses with the door closed. The fiend maybe around your house hidden somewhere. Hence, people...
  • Bioluminescence-The 25th Century Light-Emitting Devices

    It is a school. School of 25th century. The school is in the house itself. It’s a small room with a mechanical teacher.  The teacher...

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    It is a school. School of 25th century. The school is in the house itself. It’s a small room with a mechanical teacher.  The teacher is a robot. Thus, the robot teaches a single student. The teacher explains to the girl Margie. Margie is a 13-year-old girl. Robot Sam: Generation of electricity from fossil fuel...
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