Scientists are trying to reveal the mystery of the universe. Theories such as the ‘big bang’ & string theory describe the formation & development of the multi-universe. But, they are only theories. We do not have exact knowledge of the universe.
Science tries to answer so many questions. But what happens after death? We do not know.
Nature is mysterious. We are puppets of Mother nature. We even do not know who we are. There is something beyond the limit of our mind. It is beyond our imagination. Hence, we do not know who our master is.
Few saints lived on this earth. They have given knowledge through stories & poems. Stories remind us who we are.
Story of a Lion Cub
A shepherd (cowboy) is grazing his cattle in a jungle. He finds a lion cub of about one-year-old. Shepherd takes him along with his goats. However, the cub drinks cow’s milk & live along with them. Every day, the baby lion goes to the forest along with the goats & sheep. Hence, it continues for about three years.
The lion cub believes himself to be a goat.
After five years.
The lion cub lives with the goats. A lion happens to see this. The lion is annoyed to see a lion cub with goats.
Somehow, he gets hold of the baby lion. He pulls him to the bank of a lake. The lion asks him to see the image in the water. The cub gets excited to see him as a lion. But he could not believe it. Still, he thinks he is a goat.
The lion brings a piece of meat. At first, the baby lion does not like it. But, as it is in his genes, he feels as if it is his food. Thus, the cub starts eating meat. He now becomes a full lion. He starts roaring.
The lion cub gets along with the lion in the jungle.
It applies to us. Hence, God resides in us. Philosophers such as Osho frequently tell such a story for awakening.
The Poem
Where are you searching?
I am within you.
Neither in idols nor pilgrimage,
Not in temples, not in a mosque,
Neither in Kaba nor Kailas,
I am within you.
Not in prayers, nor in meditation,
Neither in fasting nor prohibition,
Not in Vedas, not in yoga,
I am within you.
Neither in-universe nor nature,
I am within you.
Wants to see me, Discover in a moment,
I am within you.
Says Kabir, listen to me,
I live within your faith.