Understanding Water-Amazing Scientific Discoveries

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Our body contains about 70% of water. Hence, water is an essential part of our life. We know that life began in the water. Therefore, one may say that water is life.

But water is not simply H2O, as we know. Recent studies & research says water has memory. It means that water can remember things happening around it. In addition, they say that water can react with words and emotions.

The Experiment  

Scientists performed a few experiments.

‘They immerse a flower in a glass full of water. And they keep the flower in the glass for over ten minutes. Then they examine the water from the glass with a microscope.’

The result was quite fascinating.

There was a mesmerizing pattern in the arrangement of water molecules. Thus, the water molecules were saying something about that flower. It means the molecules remember the flower.

Scientists repeat the same experiment. But with different species of the flower having different shapes.

Again, the result was interesting.

The pattern of arrangement differed from the result of the first experiment. But it was unique. It was a new way of orientation.

It means that the water molecules remember the second flower differently.

Property to heal & cure

The thoughts of our mind affect the water. Experiments show that when you chant some prayer, some mantras, or some positive emotions, over a glass of water, the molecules rearrange to remember the thoughts.

Hence, it cures or heals a person.

Offering a glass of water with anger will harm the body. The water molecules also react towards music.

Therefore, whenever we drink water, spread the emotions or thoughts of love, peace, & happiness. That will deliver such information to the cells of our body and mind. For more information, you may watch this video.


Recent advances in the research

Scientists at Cambridge University prepare a unique type of ice. It somewhat resembles liquid water. And this discovery is going to change the understanding of water.

The ice, discovered, is amorphous. Hence, it is non-crystalline. In this, water molecules get arranged randomly, or they are in a disorganized form. They only found this type of ice on outer planets or in space.

Scientists prepare this type of ice in the lab at -200oC temperature by a process known as ball milling. Thus, they give a new name to this ice. It is ‘Medium density amorphous ice.’-MDA.

In fact, this ice looks like a fine white powder.

But, the most important thing is when they warm up MDA and recrystallize, a vast amount of heat gets released. It means the recrystallization is an exothermic reaction- releasing tremendous energy.

Therefore, Professor Christoph Haizmann admits that our understanding of water is poor- even today. Read more at https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.abq2105.

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