The Interview-A Story About the Interview for the Post of Manager at Taj Hotel

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It’s a public park, a garden in front of the hotel ‘The Taj Mahal Palace’ in Bombay. Thus, one may observe people of all ages walking around & children playing here & there. In fact, it’s a beautiful place. On one side lies the sea, which adds to the beauty of the Taj Hotel.

A young man about twenty-five years of age is sitting on a bench. He is observing everything peacefully. Of course, clad in a black shirt & a trouser with black goggles covering his face. Hence, appear as if he works in the film industry.

An aged man, in sports dress, comes & occupies the same bench. It seems as if he has just completed a walking exercise & wants to have some rest.

The man looks at the boy sitting nearby & tries to read the facial expression. He then enquires innocently.

‘Hello dear, it looks as if you are a stranger. Are you looking for a job or recently associated with some firms?’ The man starts a conversation.

‘Uncle, I am not a job seeker. I don’t need it. Do you want to know who am I?’ the boy answers rudely.

The old- man is very much surprised to hear such an impolite answer.

‘I am the son of an owner of the Taj Hotel, which you can see in front of you. Actually, I am studying in Switzerland. I am here in India due to vacation. In fact, it fed me up sitting inside an air-conditioned chamber. Therefore, I am just passing time here in the garden.’ the boy shows off.

‘My name is Mr Daven.’ the old man answers with an unnatural smile. ‘I am working as a manager in your Taj Hotel. I feel extremely happy to meet you.’

Daven gets up to respect & greet the son of the possessor of the Taj Hotel.

‘My boy, can you tell me what’s your name?’ enquires Daven.

‘I am Abhijit.’ He adds. ‘If you want any help or needs promotion, you can contact me. I will talk with my daddy. I am here in India for only a week.’

However, Daven moves swiftly towards the Taj Hotel with no expression.

The Next Day

Around a hundred candidates are waiting in the central hall of the Hotel for an interview. They all have gathered for the post of ‘Manager’ at the Taj Hotel. The management is looking for the five best aspirants for the post.

‘Abhijit Patel from Ahmedabad.’ the peon announces. ‘It’s your turn. Please go’

Abhijit enters the office. He gets a shock. The person whom he met yesterday in the garden was sitting as a chairperson of the committee.

Abhijit now realizes his mistake. He feels ashamed.

‘Now, I am asking you. Do you know who am I? I am the owner of this five-star palace & my name is Anikul & not Daven.’ Anikul fires.

‘I apologies you sir, Yesterday when I saw you in the garden, I thought you are an ordinary man.’ he confesses.

‘My dear boy, you should know how to talk with & respect to all citizens. You should have good manners. Never be a liar. Always behave & be what you are. If you write novels based on fantasy, you may be successful. But, you are not a proper person for this post in the Taj Hotel’ Anikul adds.

Hence, Abhijit gets rejected. Abhijit is a resident of Ahmedabad. His father is working as PSI in Gujarat Police. He completed his MBA from the School of Business Management-Gujarat University.

He is searching for a job.

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