• A Monk Invite God of Fire-Agni Deva to Light Fire at Religious Ceremony

    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along...

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    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along with long hair on his head. A Trishul & a Kamandal in his hand adds to his personality as a Hindu monk or Sadhu. The villagers are naïve & modest...
  • A Religious Story- Gifts Given to Civilization by Saints

    Scientists are trying to reveal the mystery of the universe. Theories such as the ‘big bang’ & string theory describe the formation & development of...

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    Scientists are trying to reveal the mystery of the universe. Theories such as the ‘big bang’ & string theory describe the formation & development of the multi-universe. But, they are only theories. We do not have exact knowledge of the universe. Science tries to answer so many questions. But what happens after death? We do...
  • Funny News around the World- New Medicines for Corona Virus Creates Humor

    Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world. People around the world are trying various medicines. Drugs that are not prescribed by doctors. These may not have...

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    Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world. People around the world are trying various medicines. Drugs that are not prescribed by doctors. These may not have scientific approval. But, the community accepts & practice these medicines. Hence, the news spreads like fire in society. Here are some humorous instances. Cow urine as medicine You must have...
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