• THE ARCHEOLOGIST-A Story About Treasure Hunt

    Historians claim- India extended up to Afghanistan in the northeast and covered Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, West Bengal etc. in the western region. And, towards the...

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    Historians claim- India extended up to Afghanistan in the northeast and covered Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, West Bengal etc. in the western region. And, towards the south, Sri Lanka was part of Bharata. Afghanistan was known as Gandhar Pradesh. This was the period around 1300 BC when civilizations such as the Indus Valley flourished. Other cultures,...
  • Satan Release a Virus to Down Grade the Operating System of Human Brain

    Satan releases a virus into the earth atmosphere. The human brain is like a  Computer. Similar to a Computer which uses electrical signals to send...

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    Satan releases a virus into the earth atmosphere. The human brain is like a  Computer. Similar to a Computer which uses electrical signals to send a message. Satan: I have just released a virus which will affect the brain. It is now, floating into the sky & the atmosphere. It will create problems in human...
  • Gujarat Celebrates – Dandia Rass & Garba with Helmets

      Helmets are in news these days. Sources reports that people in Gujarat are playing Garba with helmets on their heads. Ladies & gents wear...

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      Helmets are in news these days. Sources reports that people in Gujarat are playing Garba with helmets on their heads. Ladies & gents wear helmets & perform Garba & Dandia Raas. It seems funny. But, it’ a fact. However, we were really surprised to see this. Who & what prompted them to wear helmets?...
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