Sher khan-The Lion King Implements New Laws in the Jungle

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Sher Khan is the king of the jungle. He always worries about the well-being & happiness of the animals in his kingdom. Hence, visits all the well-known forest of the world. And observes the lifestyle of the animals living in different areas.

On coming back to the motherland, an idea comes to his mind.

‘We have great resources & ample land. But much of the land is barren. If we use these resources properly, the animals of my land will flourish & become rich. Thus, my government bodies may help to improve land, grow more trees & more vegetation for herbivorous animals. Hence, our products will be number one in the world.’

Therefore, the king makes a law. It’s a law for the welfare of animals. All his colleagues agree with the law. Hence, now it’s a new law of the jungle.

They implement the law throughout the jungle.

Now, the king holds a meeting to discuss how the act will be useful to all the animals.

Lion: Dear colleagues, you know, I visited jungles of the entire world. I have seen the life of monkeys, elephants, donkeys & all animals & birds. As a result, I have concluded. We must have a jungle law, a law to improve the life of our community. Therefore, I have made the law & you have to obey it.

Louie: What is the law sir, we do not understand it. Tell us more about it.

‘See, my friends, Sherkhan speaks politely, ‘You belong to the community of monkeys. Hence, you love eating fruits such as Papaya, Mango, Jamun, Apples & many more. So, I will help you plant more & more trees. Thus, we shall produce world-famous fruits. Our gang of workers will help you with all these tasks. As a result, you will get a wonderful variety of fruits to eat.’

Hathi: What about us?

Lion: You love sugarcane. We shall grow sugarcane plants & plants like rice so that there is ample food for you. We too plan to build dams across rivers so that you can swim & enjoy. Hence, the buffaloes, deer, rabbits & all such animals will be happy.

‘Ultimately, we will become richer,’ Lion whispers.

Monkey king Louie: It means you want to interrupt in our life. What about our privacy?

Gorilla: It’s clear, the king wants to grab our land & trees. That is what I understand.

Hathi: The government wants to construct dames. Why? We are happy with the naturally flowing rivers. The construction of dams will destroy the ecosystem. Hence, it will lead to deforestation.

Monkey: Yes, that will destroy our trees.

Louie: We have enough for everyone’s need. Why new laws? We, the animals of the jungle, are not greedy like humans. We don’t want to store for showing richness.

All the monkeys jump from one tree to the other. Thus, the animals protest against the law.

The donkeys, the goats & the cows do not understand the law. But they join the protest.

Louie: The king wants to grab our land & trees. And how can we trust the company workers? They may exploit us. And, of course, we do not want to be rich.

After a few days, the animals start a movement to withdraw the controversial law. Thousands of monkeys & animals gather under the leadership of Louie, the monkey king.

Sherkhan is afraid & confused. He is sad. But firm to implement the law for the sake of the community.

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