Name Changing Ceremony in the Jungle

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The king of the jungle makes a plan. Why not change the names of places, rivers, mountains, trees and valleys across the empire? It will be a nice change. And it will bring new positivity to the environment. And everyone will celebrate the ‘Name changing ceremony’ as a festival.

All the courtiers accept the proposal. The lion king then orders the information and broadcasting minister-the pigeon, to spread the information and decision of the king.

The message spreads in the jungle as fire in the forest. The cuckoo, parrots, pigeons and even the monkeys chat.

‘There’s a Chat in the Jungle, Changing Names is a Wonder.’

‘Jungle, jungle bat chali hai, naam badlneki chah chali hai, chah chali hai.’

The ‘message’ of the Lion King excites the animals of the empire. Thus, all shout unanimously, change the name, change the name.’ They all start enjoying and celebrating the event.

All animals- chimpanzees, beers, tigers, lions, buffaloes, camels and horses were waiting for an occasion to celebrate. Festivity is in their genes. They do not have to worry about tomorrow. They aim to eat, sleep and enjoy. Of course, no animal stores food, as do humans.

But everything has to begin with changing the name of the empire.

Some Orangutan monkeys advise the king to change the name at a proper time. The name-changing ceremony must follow astrological norms and worship, so the empire grows and progresses without hurdles.

And the lion changes the name of the empire.

Now comes the name-changing of the animals. Each animal wants to change its name.

Hence, the name change goes on. Some animals approach for advice to Gorillas. They provide new names as per the astrology. And, there are advisers in the jungle. Somewhere- animals in the forest are standing in queues for paid advice.

Bagheera, the tiger, brings news from the human community.

Bagheera: My lord, the humans are also changing their names. The name of their capital city is now going to be ‘Hastinapur.’ The new designations of some cities are ‘Amravati, Karnavati Prayagraj and- so on.

Meanwhile, a pigeon comes flying from the human territory.

It delivers a unique but funny message to the lion king.

Pigeon: Sir, they are going to change the name of everything. They have banned the name ‘train’. Instead, they will call it ‘Loh Path Gamini’, and the new official name of the mosquito- net is ‘Mashak jalam.’

The ‘name change’ continues in human land for years. And results in a revolution. A new industry emerges whose work is to change the name in every document.

It appears the ‘name-changing virus’ is going to spread throughout the creatures of the planet Earth.

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