Mind Reading Machines of the Future-Machine Reveals the Mystery of a Crime

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Rohan walks gently towards his flat. He walks so because it’s his everyday routine. Hence, a monotonous everyday routine. Every day he comes late from his office. He reaches his residence around eight o’clock in the evening.

Smita is his wife, married for the last two years. It seems their marriage life is going smoothly & no one has seen quarreling with each other. Smita prepares food for him. After taking dinner, Rohan again leaves home. And his wife always delivers this speech in a querulous tone.

‘Now where are you going, Rohan? I must know it.’

‘I just spent some time with my friends’ Answers, Rohan.

But at the same moment, a tall person with a long bear & red eyes enters their house. But he is a distant relative of Smita & also a friend of Rohan.

‘Hello, Rohan & my dear Smita.’ Mitesh shouts. ‘I have come at the right time.

Smita does not like this person because he is a drunkard & drug addict. In fact, the culprit has a criminal background too.

Rohan pretends to smile & welcomes the unwanted guest.

‘I have come after a long time.’ Mitesh utters. ‘And today we will have a grand party.’

Rohan is silent but shakes his head in favor.

‘My dear Smita, please give me a few rupees, 500, for my regular drink.’ Mitesh orders in a harsh tone, ‘I shall not come again for one year.’

Smita is angry but does not utter a single word.

‘If you do not give me money, I will shoot & kill you. Ha, Ha, Ha.’ Mitesh laughs like a mad person.

Smita unwillingly handover a note of Rupees 200 with the permission of his husband.

Thus, Rohan & Mitesh both leave the apartment.

Rohan is always out after dinner, as it’s a regular habit of Rohan. He returns home at about ten or eleven. Sometimes, Smita is asleep. And he leaves for his office early in the morning.

Smita is a dutiful homemaker. She spent most of her time looking after the house, preparing food & looking after her pet, Pinky the cat. Pinky is always roaming here & there in or around the lobby of the apartment.

One day, Rohan comes home earlier. It seems he is in some tension.

‘What is the matter dear, ‘Ask her wife, Smita.

‘I just received a mail from my boss. Thus, I have to go abroad for training for about a week.’ He answers.

‘Please do not worry about us.’ Smita replies, ‘I & Pinky will remain here. And, of course, our neighbors are friendly.’

‘O.K. dear, I shall leave tomorrow.’ Answers Rohan with no expression.

Thus, Rohan leaves for Bombay.

At The Apartment

One day, someone cut the electricity off from the apartment & around it. It was around midnight.

A person enters the flat now. He fired two shots in the head of Smita. Hence, she falls on the sofa. There was no one in the room except Pinki roaming here & there. The culprit vanished in no time.

But, the neighbors could notice the incidence only after two or three hours. Rohan receives the message of the incident & returns from Bombay. He is sad & one can notice gloominess on his face.

Rohan takes her head in his arm & starts crying.

Meanwhile, police enter the apartment. Thus, the inspector observes everything & collects samples for investigation. After completing their task, they take the dead body for postmortem.

Now begins the investigation. Police collect information about friends, relatives, neighbors, and all such visitors at the apartment.

But all in vain. The police cannot find any clue about the criminal. Even the dog squad cannot track the murderer. Thus, the mystery of the crime deepens.

Hence, the responsibility of investigation now goes to CBI-The criminal Bureau of Investigation.

The bureau officers again visit the apartment.

The inspector notices a cat lying on the sofa.

‘What a beautiful cat.’ Exclaims inspector. ‘Who is the owner of the cat?

‘It’s Pinki, the favorite pet of Smita.’ Answers neighbor.

‘Get hold of the cat & take it to the laboratory.’ Order the inspector.

Now the police officer takes Pinky for further investigation.

At Forensic Laboratory

‘We shall scan the mind of Pinky. Animals do not speak. But, whenever they see, they store the picture or the images of the scene in their mind.’ Scientific investigator explains. ‘And now we are going to extract the information by scanning the mind. We are now using mind-reading machines’

And the mind scanning experiment is successful. Now, the police know who the murderer is.

The inspector orders to arrest the murderer, but, unfortunately, he is nowhere. Therefore, Police now rush towards public places. And, yes, he is about to board the plane flying towards America.

‘Arrest them,’ Shouts the inspector, ‘If you run, I shall fire a bullet on your leg.’

Thus, the police arrest Rohan & his personal secretory- Sweety, who is his lover. In fact, Rohan was having an affair with Sweety.

Thus, police arrest both of them  & put them behind the bar for years.

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