Health Tips- Story of A Home Remedy for Curing Diabetes

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It is an interesting story narrated by Ashok Dave. A humorist & columnist in the daily newspaper Gujarat Samachar. They published this article in the year 2013.

This article may be useful to any of us. And this remedy may work for any of us based on our body. Therefore, we publish the story on the web to benefit the people from this know-how.

Let us hear the story in his own words.

‘I did not have any disease till the completion of sixty-two years. Thus, all laboratory reports showed no sign of any disease.

I entered the sixty-third year of my life. And again, I had my body checkup. It was shocking. The latest reports showed severe diabetes.

Some of my friends advised me to go for regular exercise. A few advised me to stop consuming sugar & drink the bitter guard juice early in the morning.

During this time, I visited one of my friend’s houses. Thus, I told him I was suffering from severe diabetes. Hence, he too recommended some home remedies that proved excellent for me.

‘I know one simple remedy for such a disease, ‘Replies friend, ‘You try it. It may work.’

Dave: OK, No problem. I shall try it. Tell me, what’s that?

‘Listen, bring three things from the provision store. Hundred grams each of Wheat, Barley, Scrub glue, or Baking glue & onion seeds (Nigella seeds). Mix all these in about three liters of water in a cooking vessel. Keep this for a night. In the morning, you will find the grains swell.

Now, boil this mixture until the water reduces to half. Now filter it and collect the filtrate in a bottle. Thus, your medicine is now ready. Consume at least a hundred ml of this early in the morning. Continue this for about a month.

An alternative method is you prepare the medicine every day. Soak about ten grams of the four components in a glass of water. Keep the mixture overnight. The next morning, boil it until reduced to half. Filter it & drink the filtrate.’

Dave: It’s easy, dear. Let me try this today itself.

Hence, I prepared the medicine at home. I consumed this medicine for a week only, but the result was alarming. The doctors could not believe it.

Thus, laboratory reports confirms-no diabetes. Diabetes vanished. I thought Cancer & Diabetes are incurable, but God is great. It works, at least for me.’

It’s a personal story. This remedy may be of use for you also & may help you.

You may read more about the medicinal uses of Onion Seeds or Nigella Seeds or Nigella Sativa by visiting

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