American president Trump, Russian President Putin & Indian Prime Minister Modi gets together at G-7 Summit. Somehow, they become friends. President Trump arranges a private meeting.
They discuss the developments in the Indian subcontinent region.
Indian PM: ‘Pakistan PM is supporting the terrorist. He is responsible for terror attacks in India, Afghanistan & the world. Kashmir is our internal matter. Even though, they interfere.’
President Trump: ‘Yes, I agree with you. Pakistani minister says that they have developed nuclear bombs weighing 200 grams & 250 grams. Thus, they are going to wage nuclear war in the world. I am really afraid.’
President Trump is now angry.
Russian president: ‘Friends, the situation is really dangerous. Let us call the Pakistan PM Imran Khan at Plage Cote des Basques beach. We are free tomorrow.’
All three leaders agree & call Imran Khan at the beach.
Pakistan PM reaches the beach. He finds that President Trump & his friends are enjoying the seashore. Indian PM welcomes Imran Khan but with anger.
American President: ‘I am not happy with you, idiot. You are trying to use nuclear weapons. A nuclear war. And how is it that you have prepared tiny atom bombs? Sit down.’
Indian PM catches his hand & starts beating him & kick him on his buttocks. Russian President Putin interrupts. He catches his head. Trump & Modi lift his body & throw it in the seawater.
American President Trump: ‘I am the leader of the world. No one should use nuclear weapons in the world. I have solved the Afghan crisis. I too can mediate & solve the Kashmir problem.’
Pakistan PM comes out of the water & run towards the way to Pakistan.