A Mysterious Journey–A Fable about Journey in Search of God

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An important meeting is in progress in the conference hall. The participants are the chairperson of DRDO, scientists & well-known cardiologists & other medical experts.

‘It is amazing, sir. He is under our observation for one month. But, neither has he taken any food nor water. Even though he is alright,’ says Dr. Deepak.

Coordinator: It’s something that science cannot explain. I cannot believe how a person survives without food and water for his entire life.

The doctors submit a final report of the research to the coordinator. Thus, the meeting is over.

The next day, the hermit comes out of the observation room.

As he steps out, Deepak and all scientists touch his feet. They bow down to get his blessing.

‘You are doctors and scientists. Deepak is a heart surgeon. Have you ever seen ‘God’ in the heart during surgery?’ he looks into Deepak’s eyes. Smiles and says, ‘I promise to meet you after some time.’

‘God bless you my children, I am all right and let me go to my temple for meditation.’ the faquir bless all the scientists.

The saint, clad in a saffron color gown, leaves the hospital. He enters the car already waiting for him and moves to the temple.

Dr. Deepak is a cardiologist. Thus, he has carried out hundreds of heart surgeries.

It is now difficult for Deepak to forget what the hermit said. ‘you are performing heart surgeries. Have you ever seen God in the heart?’

So, these words get fixed in the hard disk of his mind. But, he continues his work in the hospital.

Deepak is a young man, the age around 30 years. He is unmarried. Hence, a sister & parents are his family members.


At Home     

‘Beta, you are a successful doctor. We are now looking for a good life partner-A beautiful girl.’ mother says.

‘We are going to arrange your marriage this year. I think this is the proper time,’ adds father.

‘There is no hurry, Papa? Let’s wait for some time, replies he.

‘Bhai, I think you have a girlfriend & you love her. Tell me who that is?’ enquires her sister.

But Deepak gives no reply. Instead, he gets lost in his thoughts.

But, a day comes when he leaves his job, in search of spiritual life, in search of God.

‘My son, there is no need to leave your job. However, you can continue your work & become a devotee of God. Hence, leave a happy life. In addition, you can do meditation, prayers & all such things,’ explains his father. ‘The saints like Ramakrishna Param Hans, Tulsidas & Kabir should be your hero.’

‘But, I would like to see Yogis and Monks living in the Himalayas. I wish to experience heavenly peace. And I love to travel,’ the doctor explains.

‘You have a lot of money to spend. Therefore, you may travel to far places whenever you wish. Thus, you must marry a girl of your choice. And be happy,’ says the father.

‘Well, I love to be a saint-faquir. I wish to begin a Journey in Search of God.’ replies he.

His father says nothing. His parents give him a blessing.

Deepak leaves home. It was in the absence of his family because he didn’t want to see his mother crying.

Journey in Search of God

The mysterious journey starts from here.

Deepak hires a taxi. Thus, he reaches his first destination-The Girnar Mountain – the temple of Lord Dattatreya.

Sadhu: Come, doctor. I was waiting for you. Indeed, I know you are coming.

Deepak touches his feet. The monk offers him a seat.

‘Dear, when you want something, the whole universe helps you,’ the saint explains.

‘But I think you are hungry. Hence, I must make some arrangements for your lunch.

There is no one to prepare food, no one to serve the food. And, there is no kitchen.

The Sadhu turns around and presents a delicious dish before him.

Is that black magic? Hypnotism or a reality? Deepak does not understand.

But it’s too difficult to apply our minds. The mind is always mischievous.

The Bava then orders him to go to the Himalayas, where someone is waiting for him.

The all mighty writes the script of our lives well in advance. We have to move as it goes on (Maktub).

Now, Deepak gets clad in the white clothes of a Saint. He reserves a seat in the A.C. compartment. Hence, a journey from Ahmedabad to Chandigarh by train.

He meets a professor, traveling in the same compartment. Rao is a professor of philosophy.

Interestingly, both of them are traveling toward the Himalayas. But, their aims are different.

The professor is in search of a method to convert Mercury into Gold. But the doctor is in search of God. Their dreams are different, but the destination is the same.

Professor: It is a dream of my life. I want to witness how Hg converts into gold. There are some sadhus (Monks) in the Himalayas who do that.

Doctor: Do you wish to become rich? Do you want more money?

Professor: It’s not like that. My interest is in the method. I want to know what ‘Siddhi’ is. I am a philosopher.

Hence, both of them become friends.

‘The earth, the moon, the sun, the stars & all the five elements are alive. We have that ability to feel their consciousness.’ The doctor expresses views. ‘people spend their whole lives in water to drink and food to eat. Thus, human lives are for shelter, food & children. The animals do the same. But we differ from animals.’

‘Darwin’s theory of evolution is there in our scriptures. These scriptures date back thousands of years ago. The fish (Matsyavtar), the tortoise (Kurmavtar), the boar (Varahavtar), the man-lion, the dwarf, the warrior & so on. The story explains the gradual evolution of life. No ‘God’ is going to take Avatar. We are his reflections. We must realize the all-mighty, beyond five elements,’ says the professor.

The train arrives at Chandigarh station.

They hire a taxi to reach the village, Kanatal.

It is a village in the foothills of the Himalayas. There are only a few houses here and there.

‘If you want to go to the cave temple, sit on the horse. It takes five hours from here. We will guide you,’ says the horse keepers.’

Hence, they hire two horses & a guide.

Traveling in the valleys of the Himalayas on horseback is perilous. But they are determined to fulfill their dreams.

Anyhow, they reach the cave temple.

It is a peaceful place. Despite the cold & ice here & there, one can see hot water springs.

They stay there with the saint (Monk) for a few days.

‘Professor, your interest is in the conversion of mercury into gold. I can do it. Because it is my Siddhi. It is called ‘Raseshwari’ Sadhna. It is beyond chemistry. You can see how I do it,’ explains he.

He pours some mercury into a black-colored earthen pot. Then, he adds some reddish brown liquid from another vessel into mercury. It seems as if the mixture is boiling. But, after some time, it cools down & solidifies.

Now, he cuts it into pieces & lets it attain room temperature. After that, display the gold cubes in front of the visitors.

It is an awful incident for the professor & also for the doctor.

‘May I learn to do that?’ the professor asks.

‘This is my destiny, not yours. If you want to learn this, remain in my ashram for a lifetime,’ answers the sadhu’ ‘but I want to show you it’s possible.’

He gives some pieces of gold to the professor as a gift (Prasad).

Sadhu: Doctor, I know you have no interest in such ‘Siddhi’. These have no relation to the realization of the supreme or salvation. Hence, you don’t need such a gift.

The monk advises Deepak to travel by foot in the north direction to reach Kuber Parvat. At this place, his Guru was meditating for years. He will help Deepak in his journey in search of ‘God’.

Therefore, the professor returns to his home in the morning.

Deepak now starts his journey in the north direction.

Now, Deepak is alone. Sometimes, he can see glimpses of the sun as if smiling at him. The wind is blowing as if blessing him.

He arrives at his destination, the Kuber Parvat.

A half-naked faquir is sitting in a cave. Deepak enters the cave. Deepak feels as if he is asking him to sit. Thus, sit in front of him.

The faquir looks at him, but there is pin drop silence.

It is purely the language of the lord. Indeed, all his doubts vanish without uttering a single word. There is nothing to ask & nothing to speak. There is no need for words. Amazingly, he experiences limitless happiness for no reason. In addition, he feels a mind-blowing fragrance around the place.

The mysterious journey in search of ‘God’ begins now.

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