A Funny Story of a Kitchen Manager

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Shivram was a farmer. He had acres of land that gave a lot of produce. Some servants looked after his cow pen, ran tractors and harvesters, and worked on the farm. They took care of his big farmhouse. In short, he was a landlord.

He had a son. His name was Joy. Joy passed his higher secondary-12th standard examination. But he was not at all interested in further studies.

‘Joy, if you do not want to study further, take care of our agricultural business. There is a lot of work to do,’ advises his father.

‘Papa, I want to go to America. That is my dream. Many of my friends have settled there, and they are happy and enjoying life,’ replies Joy.

‘You are only my son. Hence, you are a landlord. There are servants in your house. You don’t have to do anything except supervision. You have the work of a manager,’ says Shivram.

‘No, Papa, I have no interest in farming and farm management,’ confirms Joy.

Joy asked his parents for about two lakhs of rupees. And he contacted an agent. The agent’s work was to push him to America through the Mexico border.

‘Through the donkey flight, you will go to Dubai and from there to Nicaragua. From Nicaragua, travel to Mexico by road,’ explains the agent.

‘Our local agents there will help you cross the border,’ adds he.

Reliable sources say that the United Donkey Association of the World has objected to the term ‘Donkey Flight.’ Donkeys are unhappy and blame humans for spoiling the name of their community.

‘We never travel to other countries ill-legally. However, we love our motherland. Our work satisfies us. Whenever free, we close our eyes and meditate for peace,’ declares the donkey community.

Therefore, instead of using the word- ‘Donkey flight’, people say ‘Dunki Flight’ and the Dunki route.

Joy, along with his two friends, boarded the plane. Rohan Patel and Mitesh were his friends with him. Hence, the journey started.

The journey from the Mexico border was quite dangerous. They had to cross the river and walk a lot of distance.

But Joy and his friends- being young and energetic, it was an adventure for them.

At last, they reached America. They stayed at the house of their aquatints.

Now was the time to find some work. One cannot survive there without work.

‘There is one vacant place for the kitchen manager in a hotel. Would you like to work there?’ asked his relative.

Joy was happy to hear the name of a ‘Manager’. He thought he would be the manager of the whole kitchen.

So, he informed his father about this.

‘’Papa, I am going to be the ‘kitchen manager, a manager in a hotel. It’s great for me,’ says he.

The next day, he went to the hotel for an interview.

‘Sir, I have come for the post of a manager that is a kitchen manager,’ says Joy.

‘O. K, nice, come with me to the hotel kitchen.’

A person clad in a hotel uniform led him to the kitchen.

They allotted him the work of washing dishes, scrubbing pots and washing pans.

Joy had to accept the work. There was no option. Because he had to earn for survival.

His friend Rohan got work as a door manager (engineer), and Mitesh worked as a garden manager.

After all, work is work. It has its importance. Nothing is bad.

But, the son of a landlord was washing dishes in a hotel.

However, Joy worked there in America for about ten years.

Unfortunately, his parents died in the pandemic. Then, he returned to India.

Surprisingly, all his property, including houses- and farms, were now in possession of his cousin’s brother.

Joy was no more a son of a landlord.

Finally, he married a girl. She was serving in a hospital as a nurse. Hence, they rented a house in a nearby town.

The work timing of his nursing wife was odd. Hence, she came late at night.

But Joy was now an expert in preparing food and washing dishes, pans, and pots.

Joy’s work remained the same- a dishwasher or kitchen manager.

The following video is only for entertainment.





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