Teleportation-Scientist Invent a Machine ‘Teleporter’ & Shift to the Planet TOI700d

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Dr. Kaku is a scientist. He and his colleagues have been working in his laboratory for years. And, after a long time, the project is over.

On this occasion, Kaku invites all the fellow scientist, relatives & friends to dinner. A grand celebration at his research laboratory.

This day, Dr. Kaku is quite excited. It overwhelms him with joy. It appears his eyes are shining & face is flushing. He is to announce something special. The invitees are sitting on the chairs. The luxurious after-dinner atmosphere is quite pleasant.

‘You must listen carefully. I have invented the unique machine. However, I am thankful to all my coworkers & scientist who helped me in this project. This machine is new to this world. It’s a ‘teleporter’ machine. For years, we have been working on this   ‘Teleportation’ technique.

Teleportation is the transfer of matter from one place to another in a fraction of seconds.

‘It means that we can transfer a matter from earth to Mars. I can transfer myself from earth to Mars or an unknown planet.’


The audience is very much surprised. It is unbelievable for all. Hence, all are excited.

Riya: Can you show us where that magic machine is?

‘I invite all of you to come to the central hall in my laboratory.

Hence, all gather at the central hall.

It looks like UFO. Thus, a large flying disk. It can accommodate about 50 persons at a time. It can teleport either objects, animals, or living things without harming them. Thus, the machine scans & sends a copy to its destination.

Rax: Is it a time machine?

Kaku: No, it’s not a time machine. It just teleports objects.

Harsh: Can you teleport me to another country?

Kaku: Yes, it is possible.

It was a great surprise. Harsh gets teleported to Britain. Thus, he is online from there.

The world is not aware of this magic invention.

The Secret Plan

We have polluted our environment. Deforestation & the increasing population of the world is creating havoc. Sanitation & agriculture is in the advanced stage. But the human disease that spreads is out of control. Besides, there are earthquakes, hurricanes & such natural calamities.

Dr: There is a planet in the universe TOI-700. It is habitable. Yet, no one has gone there. And, of course, no one knows about the teleportation.

‘I want 50 volunteers. Let’s go to that planet & live there happily.

Of course, everyone was ready to travel to an unknown planet. But fifty people get selected for teleportation.

In a few seconds, they are on the planet TOI-700. As predicted, the planet is habitable. There is plenty of water, a pleasant environment with a friendly atmosphere. There is a lot of vegetation but no human population.

Hence, the teleporter, along with fellow scientists & relatives, lives on this planet only.

There is no deadly virus. There are no earthquakes, no hurricanes & there are no extreme atmospheric conditions like earth. Hence, they love to live there on this planet.

After 20 years

 The residents of TOI-700 develop a beautiful residence known as a science city. There is a school in the middle of the City.

Few students are sitting in the learning center.

Teacher: Children, today I shall tell you something about the religions of the people of planet earth. People on the Planet earth celebrate Christmas, Diwali, and Id & Holi.

‘On the occasion of Holi, they cut twigs of trees. Make an enormous pile & burn it. It is symbolic & has a story behind it. It’s a sign of victory, of truth over evil.

Nisha, eight years old, raises her hand. Professor, why do they cut trees? Why are they polluting the environment?

Teacher: It’s a tradition, dear.

Rax: But we shall not follow this tradition. Our planet should be neat & clean.  There is no evil here.

And all class agrees with him.

Teacher: Christian people celebrate Christmas. On this occasion, ‘Santa’ comes & give a gift to the children. In the next few days, he will be here & bring a gift for you.

Rina: Sir, how will he come on this planet?

Tom: If he comes from the earth, he will bring the virus with him. Thus, we must quarantine him for a few days.

Rina: Sir, we do not want Santa. He will pollute our residence.

Again, the entire class agrees unanimously.

Teacher: Children, you all are intelligent. All these religions depend on stories. The stories are unreal.

The generation of the planet T-700 is bright, the kids’ reason & curious to find the truth.


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