• The Mystical Tantrik and the Secret of Success-A Horror Story

    I had always been a hard worker, pouring my heart and soul into my business of selling ready-made garments. Despite my relentless efforts, success remained...

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    I had always been a hard worker, pouring my heart and soul into my business of selling ready-made garments. Despite my relentless efforts, success remained elusive. Friends suggested that I seek the help of a Tantrik. The Tantrik or a mystique is known for its spiritual rituals that bring prosperity. Desperate for a breakthrough, I...
  • The Blessing of the Goddess Ganga–Unique Story of Reunion

    It was a time of pandemic. You could hear the siren of ambulances moving here and there on the road. Hence, the highways were empty,...

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    It was a time of pandemic. You could hear the siren of ambulances moving here and there on the road. Hence, the highways were empty, and the railways were not running. No crowds on the streets, and mostly the doors of the houses remained closed. Humanity was passing through the worst of the time, as...
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