• Wilhelm Roentgen and the Discovery of X-rays – A Short Story

    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen was born in Lennep in the year 1845. It was a part of Prussia- Germany. His father worked as a cloth merchant...

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    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen was born in Lennep in the year 1845. It was a part of Prussia- Germany. His father worked as a cloth merchant in Lennep. Roentgen was a lover of nature. And he used to roam here and there in the forest. He was not brilliant but a mediocre student in the school....
  • Fun with Science- Amazing and Funny Experiments in Science

    All of us have seen beautiful colours of a rainbow in a rainy season. These colours arise when light enters water droplets. Hence reflection, refraction...

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    All of us have seen beautiful colours of a rainbow in a rainy season. These colours arise when light enters water droplets. Hence reflection, refraction & dispersion of light occurs in water droplets. There is a science behind it. If you through a stone upwards, it reaches a certain height and then falls downwards. Just...
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