• The Paying Guest–A Short Story

    We are in Bombay. It’s the commercial capital of the country. Hence, Bombay is truly the city of dreams. People from every state of the...

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    We are in Bombay. It’s the commercial capital of the country. Hence, Bombay is truly the city of dreams. People from every state of the country come here in search of jobs and wish to settle here. Therefore, they call it a city of dreams. Mr Sandeep and his wife were living in a villa...
  • Mental Suggestions-A Story of Unique Sensory Perception

    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted...

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    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted you to your hometown, Srinagar,’ says the president at flying officers meeting. ‘Two years before retirement, you are going to your hometown. So, you are very fortunate, Rajesh,’ adds he....
  • The Girl Whom I Loved-A Unique Love Story of My Destiny

    I was an extraordinary student in my college. Thus, I completed my graduation with distinction. Hence, I got selected for the post of officer in...

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    I was an extraordinary student in my college. Thus, I completed my graduation with distinction. Hence, I got selected for the post of officer in the Income tax department. In fact, I was a little shy and an introverted type of person. Thus, I had few friends because I used to spare my time reading...
  • An Amazing Story of Uninvited Alien -Guests Visiting Planet Earth

    The scientist of the globe has been searching for the aliens or the extraterrestrial intelligent life for years. But, they have found none till the...

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    The scientist of the globe has been searching for the aliens or the extraterrestrial intelligent life for years. But, they have found none till the present 50th century. Of course, the search is still going on. But, people of the world at present are discussing strange incidents occurring around them. All social media platforms, news...
  • Love Always Wins- A Unique True Story of Destiny

    ‘The first prize goes to Heena A. Khan.’ the anchor on the stage shouts. Heena, an eighteen-year young girl, rushes towards the stage. She seems...

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    ‘The first prize goes to Heena A. Khan.’ the anchor on the stage shouts. Heena, an eighteen-year young girl, rushes towards the stage. She seems to be energetic, full of enthusiasm & ready to move ahead in life. The audience applauds with cheers. ‘Congratulations, Heena. As usual, you are first among the students. I wish...
  • GATE 2023- Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

    The graduate aptitude test in engineering is knocking on the door. In short, it’s known as GATE. IITs & the Indian Institute of Science conduct...

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    The graduate aptitude test in engineering is knocking on the door. In short, it’s known as GATE. IITs & the Indian Institute of Science conduct this examination every year. This time, the organizing institute is the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. It is an online examination. But you must keep in mind that it...
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