An Amazing Story of Uninvited Alien -Guests Visiting Planet Earth

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The scientist of the globe has been searching for the aliens or the extraterrestrial intelligent life for years. But, they have found none till the present 50th century. Of course, the search is still going on.

But, people of the world at present are discussing strange incidents occurring around them. All social media platforms, news channels & even the print media are talking about it.

Are these facts or just the stories & rumors? In fact, no one knows. But people say. Hence, they say what they hear.

‘If you find a girl asking for help, a girl asking for a lift-Do not rely on it. It may be an alien who may teleport you to the exo-planet. These are the headlines of the leading newspaper in the world.

A private news channel reports- A little boy or a little girl roaming here & there in public places may be aliens. They may try to attract your attention. Beware of them. Do not engage with strangers. They may be uninvited alien guests.

Such rumors are viral these days. News of aliens transforming themselves into a little boy, girl, or a beautiful woman & winning the sympathy or hearts of people.

‘Many people from around the world get trapped & teleported. They may keep them as slaves or we do not know what happens to them’- people say.

I do not believe in such rumors. As a scientist, I believe in facts.

During this period, I attended a company meeting in Paris, France. It was a meeting for research presentations & other deliberations of the company.

Therefore, I booked an air ticket & finalized my journey. I planned my trip with my family, my son Rohit, Shila, my wife & myself. Hence, we left Bombay a few days before the meeting.

We left for the airport on the allotted date of our journey.

At the airport, I met an outstanding personality of the world- Dr. James Green. Dr. James Green was a senior scientist at the Global Space Research Organization. Moreover, I was very much impressed by him.

He was also flying to Paris- but on a different flight.

Dr. James Green: Mr. Harsh, if you join me & accompany me during my journey, I would be happy. This one is my ticket.

His flight was at 2.30 pm. We were to travel by flight at 1.00 pm.

Harsh: We are flying by flight no ‘Airbus A100C2-100’ at 1.00 pm. Sir, we have booked the ticket.

Dr. James Green: No problem, Harsh, you can transfer the flight booking. You may do it online before an hour. I would love to join you & your family.

The scientist with long hair & blue eyes actually hypnotized me. In no time, my little son became his friend. James gifted a toy- an airship to my child. Rohit loved it.

At last, I canceled my booking & joined the same flight as Dr. James Green.

The time for boarding the flight was up. The security officer verified our documents. Hence, we boarded the plane.

We all were waiting eagerly for our friend Dr. James to come & occupy the seat just nearby.

But I did not see him anywhere. However, no seats in the flight were vacant, but Dr. James was missing.

I enquired. But, the officer said, there was no such person. In addition, his phone number too did not exist.

I was afraid. Who was that person? I could not find any answer.

The plane landed at the Paris airport. But, I received shocking news. News that the flight ‘Airbus A100C2-100’ left Bombay at 1.00 pm crashed into the sea. Thus, all passengers were dead.

My family survived because of our friend Dr. James, the unknown scientist.

Was he an Alien? I do not know. But, I thank him a lot for saving our life.

Therefore, aliens must be the super-intelligent species who help & who care.

It was a shocking incident in my life. I can’t forget it even today.

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