• Artificial Intelligence In Search of God-A Short Story

    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that...

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    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that controls humanity. AI now decides to answer who created the universe and how living organisms exist on the earth. The robots are moving here and there. AI robots govern the...
  • The War between Aliens & Dragons- Aliens moves to a New Planet

    There is a war between Aliens & dragons. Aliens are peace-loving creatures. But, the demons are wicked. They want to destroy aliens. Thus, wants to...

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    There is a war between Aliens & dragons. Aliens are peace-loving creatures. But, the demons are wicked. They want to destroy aliens. Thus, wants to grab the planet & set the empire. In fact, the alien population on the planet is small. Hence, dragons are set to wipe them out. Thus, they want to control...
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