• Android Robots of the Next Century- Smarter than the Humans

    Ritesh lives in Bangalore. He has completed his Ph.D. recently from IIT Bangalore. His father is working as a Professor at an engineering college &...

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    Ritesh lives in Bangalore. He has completed his Ph.D. recently from IIT Bangalore. His father is working as a Professor at an engineering college & mother is a homemaker & his little sister Priya is studying in the seventh standard. However, Ritesh is searching for a job. One day he receives an appointment letter by...
  • Absent-Minded Professor- A Unique Story of Romance

    Dr. Rao is a professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay- a world-renowned institute. In fact, he is a talented & genius professor who...

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    Dr. Rao is a professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay- a world-renowned institute. In fact, he is a talented & genius professor who has an excellent reputation in the academic field. His office is a place, which remains busy for maximum hours of the day. Of course, you will find a pile of...
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