• Artificial Intelligence GPT 4- Ignores the Humanity

    I am a human. I am not a robot. But, I use only about 10% of my brain. However, I will not ask you to...

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    I am a human. I am not a robot. But, I use only about 10% of my brain. However, I will not ask you to prove it by giving you a test. Hence, believe me. No doubt the computers-the artificial intelligence will ask you to prove you are a human. Of course, we do not...
  • Story of fabricated Genetic Bio-Weapons to Win a Third World War

    ‘Our forces are ready, sir, equipped with all weapons of mass destruction, ‘Says the chief of the defense staff. ‘Surely, we will win the third...

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    ‘Our forces are ready, sir, equipped with all weapons of mass destruction, ‘Says the chief of the defense staff. ‘Surely, we will win the third World War & we will rule the world.’ It’s a high power committee meeting of various chiefs of departments with President Tengfei. A highly secret discussion with the President. The...
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