• Stomach Cancer- Causes, Symptoms, Remedies and Prevention

    Cancer is the deadliest disease. We do not know what the actual causes of this disease are. Almost all organs of the body are prone...

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    Cancer is the deadliest disease. We do not know what the actual causes of this disease are. Almost all organs of the body are prone to be affected by this disease. Here, we are going to discuss stomach cancer. Stomach Cancer We know the growth or multiplication of cells that occurs in the stomach is...
  • Health Tips- Story of A Home Remedy for Curing Diabetes

    It is an interesting story narrated by Ashok Dave. A humorist & columnist in the daily newspaper Gujarat Samachar. They published this article in the...

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    It is an interesting story narrated by Ashok Dave. A humorist & columnist in the daily newspaper Gujarat Samachar. They published this article in the year 2013. This article may be useful to any of us. And this remedy may work for any of us based on our body. Therefore, we publish the story on...
  • Teleportation-Scientist Invent a Machine ‘Teleporter’ & Shift to the Planet TOI700d

    Dr. Kaku is a scientist. He and his colleagues have been working in his laboratory for years. And, after a long time, the project is...

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    Dr. Kaku is a scientist. He and his colleagues have been working in his laboratory for years. And, after a long time, the project is over. On this occasion, Kaku invites all the fellow scientist, relatives & friends to dinner. A grand celebration at his research laboratory. This day, Dr. Kaku is quite excited. It...
  • Corona virus- the Invisible Monster attack Human Race

    It’s a huge building. A big laboratory building. Several experiments are going on here. Synthesizing variety of biomolecules. It seems some molecules are for the...

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    It’s a huge building. A big laboratory building. Several experiments are going on here. Synthesizing variety of biomolecules. It seems some molecules are for the biological ware fare.  Experiments on hybrids of various animals. Experiments on finding sources of viruses. A scientist known as batwoman is working on bats. Bats as the sources of the...
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