• Turmeric Is As Effective As Omeprazole – Natural Way of Healing

    Turmeric has been an essential ingredient in Indian kitchens since ancient times. It is a constituent of most of the recipes. Its health benefits were...

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    Turmeric has been an essential ingredient in Indian kitchens since ancient times. It is a constituent of most of the recipes. Its health benefits were well-known thousands of years ago. Ayurveda-the old- traditional medical system, has given immense importance to such herbs. Recently, scientists have been researching herbs and herbal medicines around the world. The...
  • Story of a Great Scientist-Archimedes

    Hiero became the king of Syracuse in the year 475 BC. Syracuse was a Greek city of ancient Sicily. The king was a lover of...

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    Hiero became the king of Syracuse in the year 475 BC. Syracuse was a Greek city of ancient Sicily. The king was a lover of literature, and there were poets and learned men in his court. The king vowed to offer a gold crown to the immortal god in the temple if he became the...
  • Awesome Science Projects for Kids- Kids Stuff

    Growing plants in the house is a good and healthy practice. The herbs and shrubs help purify the air, and the flowers and their peculiar...

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    Growing plants in the house is a good and healthy practice. The herbs and shrubs help purify the air, and the flowers and their peculiar fragrance develop positive energy at the home. The shrub, such as night ‘jasmine.’ is a wonderful plant whose flowers spread a pleasant smell. A survey shows that this plant is...

    There is funny news. A professor at an Indian university is working on the applications of AI-Artificial Intelligence. AI robots will prepare food- a variety...

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    There is funny news. A professor at an Indian university is working on the applications of AI-Artificial Intelligence. AI robots will prepare food- a variety of dishes in the kitchen. And that too with no argument & discussion & oppose. It works with great accuracy and completes tasks within a fixed time. It seems new...
  • Stephen Hawking- The Laws of Nature Governs Everything

    Sometimes, typical questions arise in our minds. The questions such as Where is God? Who is controlling this world? How do miracles occur? And many...

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    Sometimes, typical questions arise in our minds. The questions such as Where is God? Who is controlling this world? How do miracles occur? And many more sophisticated questions. Scientists and philosophers have answered these questions differently. But let us start from the very beginning. That is from ancient times when there was no development in...
  • Understanding Water-Amazing Scientific Discoveries

    Our body contains about 70% of water. Hence, water is an essential part of our life. We know that life began in the water. Therefore,...

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    Our body contains about 70% of water. Hence, water is an essential part of our life. We know that life began in the water. Therefore, one may say that water is life. But water is not simply H2O, as we know. Recent studies & research says water has memory. It means that water can remember...
  • A Hotel Under Water- Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea

    Have you seen the old movie ‘Twenty thousand leagues under the sea’? It is old but good science fiction and is an adventure novel by...

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    Have you seen the old movie ‘Twenty thousand leagues under the sea’? It is old but good science fiction and is an adventure novel by French writer Jules Verne. It was around 1870 that they published the book. The author’s imagination in those days was alarming. In this movie, Captain Nemo constructs a futuristic submarine...

    Today we make use of mineral oil or natural gas as a fuel. In the next century, mineral oil and natural gas resources will get...

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    Today we make use of mineral oil or natural gas as a fuel. In the next century, mineral oil and natural gas resources will get exhausted. Hence, scientists are trying their best to find an alternative to fossil fuels. In the centuries to come, hydrogen gas will replace petroleum products. Its complete combustion is workable...
  • Natural Way of Healing- Herbal versus Allopathic Medicines

    People around the world are facing different health problems. In fact, many allopathic medicines help for solving such problems. But, some have side effects which...

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    People around the world are facing different health problems. In fact, many allopathic medicines help for solving such problems. But, some have side effects which we cannot neglect. To avoid these side effects, people around the globe are leaning towards a natural way of healing. Thus, Natural healing incorporates the use of herbal medicines. Hence,...
  • Experimental Reactor -Harnessing Energy from Nuclear Fusion

    The primary source of our energy is the sun. Thus, life on the planet earth exists because of the sun. Therefore, the sun is the...

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    The primary source of our energy is the sun. Thus, life on the planet earth exists because of the sun. Therefore, the sun is the creator of life. What is the secret of the continuous release of energy? Scientist says that nuclear fusion reaction occurs continuously throughout the outer and inner surface of the sun....
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