• Mental Suggestions-A Story of Unique Sensory Perception

    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted...

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    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted you to your hometown, Srinagar,’ says the president at flying officers meeting. ‘Two years before retirement, you are going to your hometown. So, you are very fortunate, Rajesh,’ adds he....
  • Mind Reading Machines of the Future-Machine Reveals the Mystery of a Crime

    Rohan walks gently towards his flat. He walks so because it’s his everyday routine. Hence, a monotonous everyday routine. Every day he comes late from...

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    Rohan walks gently towards his flat. He walks so because it’s his everyday routine. Hence, a monotonous everyday routine. Every day he comes late from his office. He reaches his residence around eight o’clock in the evening. Smita is his wife, married for the last two years. It seems their marriage life is going smoothly...
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