• Sher khan-The Lion King Implements New Laws in the Jungle

    Sher Khan is the king of the jungle. He always worries about the well-being & happiness of the animals in his kingdom. Hence, visits all...

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    Sher Khan is the king of the jungle. He always worries about the well-being & happiness of the animals in his kingdom. Hence, visits all the well-known forest of the world. And observes the lifestyle of the animals living in different areas. On coming back to the motherland, an idea comes to his mind. ‘We...
  • A Religious Story- Gifts Given to Civilization by Saints

    Scientists are trying to reveal the mystery of the universe. Theories such as the ‘big bang’ & string theory describe the formation & development of...

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    Scientists are trying to reveal the mystery of the universe. Theories such as the ‘big bang’ & string theory describe the formation & development of the multi-universe. But, they are only theories. We do not have exact knowledge of the universe. Science tries to answer so many questions. But what happens after death? We do...
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