• A Step Towards Ending the Russia-Ukraine War

    Once upon a time, in a world where geopolitics was a game of weird friendships and bizarre problem-solving, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, embarked...

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    Once upon a time, in a world where geopolitics was a game of weird friendships and bizarre problem-solving, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, embarked on an official visit to America. After completing the formalities with President Trump, they decided to tackle the pressing issue of the Russia-Ukraine war. Modi, being the wise and spiritual...
  • Zelenskyy Release a New Film-‘The War Room’

    Zelenskyy created ‘Servant of the People’, a TV series of political satire and comedy. In this series, he played the role of Ukrainian prez. He...

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    Zelenskyy created ‘Servant of the People’, a TV series of political satire and comedy. In this series, he played the role of Ukrainian prez. He is an honest teacher who becomes a politician and, finally, the leader of Ukraine. This series was top-rated in the country. Interestingly, Ukrainians loved the character of Zelenskyy as the...
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