• Story of a Great Scientist-Archimedes

    Hiero became the king of Syracuse in the year 475 BC. Syracuse was a Greek city of ancient Sicily. The king was a lover of...

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    Hiero became the king of Syracuse in the year 475 BC. Syracuse was a Greek city of ancient Sicily. The king was a lover of literature, and there were poets and learned men in his court. The king vowed to offer a gold crown to the immortal god in the temple if he became the...
  • Stephen Hawking- The Laws of Nature Governs Everything

    Sometimes, typical questions arise in our minds. The questions such as Where is God? Who is controlling this world? How do miracles occur? And many...

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    Sometimes, typical questions arise in our minds. The questions such as Where is God? Who is controlling this world? How do miracles occur? And many more sophisticated questions. Scientists and philosophers have answered these questions differently. But let us start from the very beginning. That is from ancient times when there was no development in...
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