• President declares as King of the World-Compels World Leaders to follow him

    President is now upset. He is under tension. He is facing impeachment. Impeachment by the legislature. Charges of abuse of power. Therefore, Congress may remove...

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    President is now upset. He is under tension. He is facing impeachment. Impeachment by the legislature. Charges of abuse of power. Therefore, Congress may remove him from power. Thus, he wants to escape from the problem. Escape impeachment. Besides, the presidential election is on the way. Therefore, he contacts one of his friends. President: Hello...
  • President Xi under Trouble- India to Export Pigs to China

    Chinese president Xi Jinping visits India. He meets the prime minister. There is a private meeting at the Prime minister’s office. A formal conversation between...

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    Chinese president Xi Jinping visits India. He meets the prime minister. There is a private meeting at the Prime minister’s office. A formal conversation between the two leaders. Chinese president: I do not like the pigs of America. We people, hate them. Anyway, they are very fatty. Aren’t they? Indian PM: What are you talking...
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