• Name Changing Ceremony in the Jungle

    The king of the jungle makes a plan. Why not change the names of places, rivers, mountains, trees and valleys across the empire? It will...

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    The king of the jungle makes a plan. Why not change the names of places, rivers, mountains, trees and valleys across the empire? It will be a nice change. And it will bring new positivity to the environment. And everyone will celebrate the ‘Name changing ceremony’ as a festival. All the courtiers accept the proposal....
  • A Monk Invite God of Fire-Agni Deva to Light Fire at Religious Ceremony

    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along...

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    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along with long hair on his head. A Trishul & a Kamandal in his hand adds to his personality as a Hindu monk or Sadhu. The villagers are naïve & modest...
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