• The Great Exchange of Political Wisdom-A Tale of Kamala and Rahul

    In a dimly lit Washington cafe, freshly brewed coffee mingled with a distinct whiff of regret as two prominent political figures, Kamla and Rahul, sat...

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    In a dimly lit Washington cafe, freshly brewed coffee mingled with a distinct whiff of regret as two prominent political figures, Kamla and Rahul, sat across from each other. They weren’t there to discuss foreign policy, economic collaboration, or climate change. Today’s agenda was far more pressing: the fine art of political defeat and the...
  • A Tale of An Antique Book

    It’s an era of the thirty-fifth century. An era of gene therapy. And, diseases such as cancer & AIDS are completely & readily curable. They...

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    It’s an era of the thirty-fifth century. An era of gene therapy. And, diseases such as cancer & AIDS are completely & readily curable. They have solved the problem of pollution. The average human age is about 150 years & it’s an era where robots play an important role in society. India is now a...
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