• Aliens- Funny News around the World

    The people of the world are mad after aliens. Some people claim to have seen the aliens. They say the aliens travel through flying saucers-UFO....

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    The people of the world are mad after aliens. Some people claim to have seen the aliens. They say the aliens travel through flying saucers-UFO. Some people are worried and have a fear of extraterrestrial life. Hence, they are suffering from xenophobia. Thus, the quest for aliens continues. And will continue for years to come....
  • Horror Story of Mohenjo Daro- The Valley of the Dead

    Mohenjo Daro, the valley of the dead is a place situated in Punjab of Pakistan. It has great importance. Historical importance. Archaeologists confirm the presence...

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    Mohenjo Daro, the valley of the dead is a place situated in Punjab of Pakistan. It has great importance. Historical importance. Archaeologists confirm the presence of a great city before about 4000 thousand years. Scientists are still working to find facts about the lost city. Thus, to find the reason for destruction. Dr David: Sir,...
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