• Horror Story of Mohenjo Daro- The Valley of the Dead

    Mohenjo Daro, the valley of the dead is a place situated in Punjab of Pakistan. It has great importance. Historical importance. Archaeologists confirm the presence...

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    Mohenjo Daro, the valley of the dead is a place situated in Punjab of Pakistan. It has great importance. Historical importance. Archaeologists confirm the presence of a great city before about 4000 thousand years. Scientists are still working to find facts about the lost city. Thus, to find the reason for destruction. Dr David: Sir,...
  • Bioluminescence-The 25th Century Light-Emitting Devices

    It is a school. School of 25th century. The school is in the house itself. It’s a small room with a mechanical teacher.  The teacher...

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    It is a school. School of 25th century. The school is in the house itself. It’s a small room with a mechanical teacher.  The teacher is a robot. Thus, the robot teaches a single student. The teacher explains to the girl Margie. Margie is a 13-year-old girl. Robot Sam: Generation of electricity from fossil fuel...
  • Launching Artificial Sun on Mars- A 50th Century Dream

    Four hydrogen atoms combine (Fuse) to produce a helium atom. This is known as nuclear fusion. But, during this process, some mass converts into energy....

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    Four hydrogen atoms combine (Fuse) to produce a helium atom. This is known as nuclear fusion. But, during this process, some mass converts into energy. Thus, huge & tremendous amount of energy is produced during nuclear fusion. The release of energy occurs with zero pollution. Clean energy. No pollutants at all. Nuclear fusion occurs in...
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