• Aliens- Funny News around the World

    The people of the world are mad after aliens. Some people claim to have seen the aliens. They say the aliens travel through flying saucers-UFO....

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    The people of the world are mad after aliens. Some people claim to have seen the aliens. They say the aliens travel through flying saucers-UFO. Some people are worried and have a fear of extraterrestrial life. Hence, they are suffering from xenophobia. Thus, the quest for aliens continues. And will continue for years to come....
  • Parallel Universes-A Story of Our Dual Existence

    The media all over the world is broadcasting weird news. Thus, the people of the world are worried. They suppose some horrible thing is going...

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    The media all over the world is broadcasting weird news. Thus, the people of the world are worried. They suppose some horrible thing is going to happen on the earth. Hence, everyone is curiously observing the news. The televised talks and the interviews are continuously going on. The reporter says, ‘Sir, you are present in...
  • President Trump to Announce Aliens on the Planet Earth

    There is shocking news. President knows about the aliens. Aliens are living here on this earth along with humans. They also live on Mars. Reliable...

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    There is shocking news. President knows about the aliens. Aliens are living here on this earth along with humans. They also live on Mars. Reliable sources say. There was a secret agreement between Trump & his team with the Aliens. The accord was not to disclose the identity, the residence, the work they do on...
  • Funny News in Science around the World

      Science is very useful for human beings. Without it, life would be primitive. For common man, science seems to create magic. Sometimes, science creates...

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      Science is very useful for human beings. Without it, life would be primitive. For common man, science seems to create magic. Sometimes, science creates fun too. The noble prize in chemistry goes to John Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino “for the development of lithium-ion batteries.’’ Besides we are celebrating 150th birth anniversary...
  • Gujarat Celebrates – Dandia Rass & Garba with Helmets

      Helmets are in news these days. Sources reports that people in Gujarat are playing Garba with helmets on their heads. Ladies & gents wear...

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      Helmets are in news these days. Sources reports that people in Gujarat are playing Garba with helmets on their heads. Ladies & gents wear helmets & perform Garba & Dandia Raas. It seems funny. But, it’ a fact. However, we were really surprised to see this. Who & what prompted them to wear helmets?...
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