• Scientist Prepare Oxygen on Mars –A Move to Shift Human Race to the New Planet

    A voyager lands on Mars. Lands successfully & captures images of the surface of Mars. The atmosphere of this planet contains carbon dioxide. But, even...

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    A voyager lands on Mars. Lands successfully & captures images of the surface of Mars. The atmosphere of this planet contains carbon dioxide. But, even though scientists successfully generate oxygen from this atmosphere. Second, they will study the microorganisms such as bacteria & viruses on that planet. And we hope people move to Mars in...
  • Corona virus- the Invisible Monster attack Human Race

    It’s a huge building. A big laboratory building. Several experiments are going on here. Synthesizing variety of biomolecules. It seems some molecules are for the...

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    It’s a huge building. A big laboratory building. Several experiments are going on here. Synthesizing variety of biomolecules. It seems some molecules are for the biological ware fare.  Experiments on hybrids of various animals. Experiments on finding sources of viruses. A scientist known as batwoman is working on bats. Bats as the sources of the...
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