• Turmeric Is As Effective As Omeprazole – Natural Way of Healing

    Turmeric has been an essential ingredient in Indian kitchens since ancient times. It is a constituent of most of the recipes. Its health benefits were...

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    Turmeric has been an essential ingredient in Indian kitchens since ancient times. It is a constituent of most of the recipes. Its health benefits were well-known thousands of years ago. Ayurveda-the old- traditional medical system, has given immense importance to such herbs. Recently, scientists have been researching herbs and herbal medicines around the world. The...
  • Bio-engineering Technology of the Next Century-A Short Story

    Amisha is a baby girl of age, around ten years. She is playing around her house. Her mom is preparing some food in the kitchen....

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    Amisha is a baby girl of age, around ten years. She is playing around her house. Her mom is preparing some food in the kitchen. ‘What are you doing, Amisha?’ Get some fresh mangoes and vegetables from the pot,” Mom asks. Amisha picks up some fresh ladyfingers, brinjals, and mangoes and gives them to her...
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