• Absent-Minded Professor- A Unique Story of Romance

    Dr. Rao is a professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay- a world-renowned institute. In fact, he is a talented & genius professor who...

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    Dr. Rao is a professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay- a world-renowned institute. In fact, he is a talented & genius professor who has an excellent reputation in the academic field. His office is a place, which remains busy for maximum hours of the day. Of course, you will find a pile of...
  • The Paying Guest–A Short Story

    We are in Bombay. It’s the commercial capital of the country. Hence, Bombay is truly the city of dreams. People from every state of the...

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    We are in Bombay. It’s the commercial capital of the country. Hence, Bombay is truly the city of dreams. People from every state of the country come here in search of jobs and wish to settle here. Therefore, they call it a city of dreams. Mr Sandeep and his wife were living in a villa...
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