• Afghan Forces rip apart Wire Fence to express Love to Pakistan

    The Taliban government has a great affinity and love for Pakistan President Imran Khan. Hence, they wish to develop friendly relationships and brotherhood with the...

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    The Taliban government has a great affinity and love for Pakistan President Imran Khan. Hence, they wish to develop friendly relationships and brotherhood with the neighbor. But the Pakistan army was constructing wire fencing along the Afghan border. Somehow, the Afghan government got the information from the intelligence agencies. Thus, the general director of intelligence,...
  • A Funny Story of a Kitchen Manager

    Shivram was a farmer. He had acres of land that gave a lot of produce. Some servants looked after his cow pen, ran tractors and...

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    Shivram was a farmer. He had acres of land that gave a lot of produce. Some servants looked after his cow pen, ran tractors and harvesters, and worked on the farm. They took care of his big farmhouse. In short, he was a landlord. He had a son. His name was Joy. Joy passed his...
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