• Parallel Universes-A Story of Our Dual Existence

    The media all over the world is broadcasting weird news. Thus, the people of the world are worried. They suppose some horrible thing is going...

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    The media all over the world is broadcasting weird news. Thus, the people of the world are worried. They suppose some horrible thing is going to happen on the earth. Hence, everyone is curiously observing the news. The televised talks and the interviews are continuously going on. The reporter says, ‘Sir, you are present in...
  • The Black Magic-Power of Hypnotization

    It’s the house of the president. Something mysterious is going on in the house. Some ‘Amils’ and ‘Pirs’ are coming in and out of the...

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    It’s the house of the president. Something mysterious is going on in the house. Some ‘Amils’ and ‘Pirs’ are coming in and out of the Bungalow. A cloud of black smoke is rising from the premises of the residence. Yes, it’s black magic. With this magic, they will free the ‘Jinns’ from the invisible world-...
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