• Apply for MSc-PhD Courses at World Renowned IISc at Bangalore & other IITs

    The students who have just completed graduation in Science & wish to go for higher studies, there are good chances. If you have strong determination...

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    The students who have just completed graduation in Science & wish to go for higher studies, there are good chances. If you have strong determination & willpower, you can get into world-renowned engineering institutes. Sure, you have a chance & must grab it. Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore & other IITs in India are...
  • Android Robots of the Next Century- Smarter than the Humans

    Ritesh lives in Bangalore. He has completed his Ph.D. recently from IIT Bangalore. His father is working as a Professor at an engineering college &...

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    Ritesh lives in Bangalore. He has completed his Ph.D. recently from IIT Bangalore. His father is working as a Professor at an engineering college & mother is a homemaker & his little sister Priya is studying in the seventh standard. However, Ritesh is searching for a job. One day he receives an appointment letter by...
  • The Paying Guest–A Short Story

    We are in Bombay. It’s the commercial capital of the country. Hence, Bombay is truly the city of dreams. People from every state of the...

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    We are in Bombay. It’s the commercial capital of the country. Hence, Bombay is truly the city of dreams. People from every state of the country come here in search of jobs and wish to settle here. Therefore, they call it a city of dreams. Mr Sandeep and his wife were living in a villa...
  • Mental Suggestions-A Story of Unique Sensory Perception

    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted...

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    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted you to your hometown, Srinagar,’ says the president at flying officers meeting. ‘Two years before retirement, you are going to your hometown. So, you are very fortunate, Rajesh,’ adds he....
  • The Girl Whom I Loved-A Unique Love Story of My Destiny

    I was an extraordinary student in my college. Thus, I completed my graduation with distinction. Hence, I got selected for the post of officer in...

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    I was an extraordinary student in my college. Thus, I completed my graduation with distinction. Hence, I got selected for the post of officer in the Income tax department. In fact, I was a little shy and an introverted type of person. Thus, I had few friends because I used to spare my time reading...

    Kavya is the wife of Captain Arjun. Captain Arjun serves in the armed forces. They have married recently. The government posted him in Kashmir after...

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    Kavya is the wife of Captain Arjun. Captain Arjun serves in the armed forces. They have married recently. The government posted him in Kashmir after a few days of their marriage. Hence, Arjun leaves for Kashmir and joins his duty. At present, Kavya is at his father’s house in Bangalore. One afternoon, Captain Arjun was...
  • Story of a Real Friend. Moti- the Doggy Saves Life of Rita

    Rita resides in a small village. In a village near Bangalore. Family members, Mother & a pet dog. A good & smart-looking pet. However, he...

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    Rita resides in a small village. In a village near Bangalore. Family members, Mother & a pet dog. A good & smart-looking pet. However, he is also a member of the house. Hence, they love him. Loves doggy. He is a member of the family since he was a puppy. Rita is a young girl,...
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