• Launching Artificial Sun on Mars- A 50th Century Dream

    Four hydrogen atoms combine (Fuse) to produce a helium atom. This is known as nuclear fusion. But, during this process, some mass converts into energy....

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    Four hydrogen atoms combine (Fuse) to produce a helium atom. This is known as nuclear fusion. But, during this process, some mass converts into energy. Thus, huge & tremendous amount of energy is produced during nuclear fusion. The release of energy occurs with zero pollution. Clean energy. No pollutants at all. Nuclear fusion occurs in...
  • Bioluminescence-The 25th Century Light-Emitting Devices

    It is a school. School of 25th century. The school is in the house itself. It’s a small room with a mechanical teacher.  The teacher...

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    It is a school. School of 25th century. The school is in the house itself. It’s a small room with a mechanical teacher.  The teacher is a robot. Thus, the robot teaches a single student. The teacher explains to the girl Margie. Margie is a 13-year-old girl. Robot Sam: Generation of electricity from fossil fuel...
  • Artificial Intelligence In Search of God-A Short Story

    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that...

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    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that controls humanity. AI now decides to answer who created the universe and how living organisms exist on the earth. The robots are moving here and there. AI robots govern the...
  • SORA -The Amazing Text to Video Generator Tool of Open AI

    Observe the above video scene. You can see a woman in a good dress walking on the street at night. Some pedestrians are passing by....

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    Observe the above video scene. You can see a woman in a good dress walking on the street at night. Some pedestrians are passing by. It appears as if the street view is of a famous metro city. The woman is in sunglasses, and she is wearing gold earrings. Surprisingly, everything is fake. Neither the...
  • Soul Transfer Surgery-Story of Artificial Intelligence Leading Humanity

    He is the president of the world government. World government of the planet earth-year 3100 AD. Secretary: The flying machine is ready sir, please come....

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    He is the president of the world government. World government of the planet earth-year 3100 AD. Secretary: The flying machine is ready sir, please come. President: O.K., wait for a few minutes. President is on vacation. Therefore, he leaves for an outing on planet X. Thus, he & his family board the flying ship &...
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