• Success Stories of Great Scientist – Inspirational Stories

    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see...

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    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see the past or failures. Thus, always looking ahead towards the future. Future still awaiting. Therefore, the great discoveries are the outcome of future dreams of the genius. They create the...
  • Inspiring Story of Great Scientist- Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein, the genius of the 20th century, received Nobel Prize in the year 1921. They awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on theoretical...

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    Albert Einstein, the genius of the 20th century, received Nobel Prize in the year 1921. They awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on theoretical physics. The work on photoelectric effect & theory of relativity. He is very much famous among the student community. His research on relativity & the equation E = mc2 is...
  • Horror Story of Mohenjo Daro- The Valley of the Dead

    Mohenjo Daro, the valley of the dead is a place situated in Punjab of Pakistan. It has great importance. Historical importance. Archaeologists confirm the presence...

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    Mohenjo Daro, the valley of the dead is a place situated in Punjab of Pakistan. It has great importance. Historical importance. Archaeologists confirm the presence of a great city before about 4000 thousand years. Scientists are still working to find facts about the lost city. Thus, to find the reason for destruction. Dr David: Sir,...
  • Imagination paves the Way towards Discovery- Story of Kekule’s Dream

      It is the nineteenth century. Science is in its infant stage. Therefore, people around the world are living a primitive life. But, the world...

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      It is the nineteenth century. Science is in its infant stage. Therefore, people around the world are living a primitive life. But, the world witnesses most of the scientific discoveries in this period. This era records most of the inventions. Friedrich August Kekule is a German chemist. A scientist. He is working on chemical...
  • Doomsday-A Story of an Asteroid Hitting the Planet Earth

    Doomsday is nearer. An asteroid is approaching the planet earth. It’s a huge space rock which has a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt...

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    Doomsday is nearer. An asteroid is approaching the planet earth. It’s a huge space rock which has a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt Everest. It has a width of about twenty kilometers. Scientists predict that it will strike the earth. Hence, the year 3000 AD may be the last year of humanity on...
  • The Story of the Life of Madame Curie- Discovery of Polonium & Radium

    Manya (Marie) is about 11 years old now. Her mother dies due to Tuberculosis.  It’s really shocking to her. Her father is a professor at...

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    Manya (Marie) is about 11 years old now. Her mother dies due to Tuberculosis.  It’s really shocking to her. Her father is a professor at a college. But, due to certain political reasons, he is suspended from the job. It’s a poor family struggling for existence. Her father sends her to their home town- a...
  • Haunted Story- Story of a Wandering Soul From an Unknown Dimension

    ‘Congratulations Mr. Arun. You have been posted to a branch in Sikkim. You are a young man & you will enjoy the natural life of...

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    ‘Congratulations Mr. Arun. You have been posted to a branch in Sikkim. You are a young man & you will enjoy the natural life of the place’- says the manager with a smile. Arun is working as an officer at the state bank of India.  He & his family resides in Delhi.  Father, Mother &...
  • A Horror Story- A Terrifying Encounter with a Ghost

    ‘Friends, our aim is to popularize science. Scientific understanding and scientific temper among the people of our country & throughout the world. We wish to...

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    ‘Friends, our aim is to popularize science. Scientific understanding and scientific temper among the people of our country & throughout the world. We wish to eradicate superstitions & false beliefs such as witchcraft. In fact, people believes in black magic & ghosts everywhere in the world. The people of the developed countries too believes in...
  • In Search of Treasure – The True Story of the Discovery of Treasures

    “I see a dream. A Dream of the treasure hidden in the   Aravalli mountain range of Rajasthan. The mountain range which extends from Gujarat to...

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    “I see a dream. A Dream of the treasure hidden in the   Aravalli mountain range of Rajasthan. The mountain range which extends from Gujarat to Rajasthan. The goddess calls me while asleep. Hence, orders me in a dream. ‘Get up. Come to my temple. There is a treasure of millions. The treasure buried beneath the...
  • A Mysterious Journey–A Fable about Journey in Search of God

    An important meeting is in progress in the conference hall. The participants are the chairperson of DRDO, scientists & well-known cardiologists & other medical experts....

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    An important meeting is in progress in the conference hall. The participants are the chairperson of DRDO, scientists & well-known cardiologists & other medical experts. ‘It is amazing, sir. He is under our observation for one month. But, neither has he taken any food nor water. Even though he is alright,’ says Dr. Deepak. Coordinator:...
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