• Success Stories of Great Scientist – Inspirational Stories

    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see...

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    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see the past or failures. Thus, always looking ahead towards the future. Future still awaiting. Therefore, the great discoveries are the outcome of future dreams of the genius. They create the...
  • Deadly but Smart Weapons of the next Century-A Short Story

    It’s a story of a unique type of weapon, a weapon that kills the guilty and kills demons, a weapon that kills only the cruel...

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    It’s a story of a unique type of weapon, a weapon that kills the guilty and kills demons, a weapon that kills only the cruel and treacherous person. This type of weapon can come back whenever its owner wishes. This type of weapon works as per the order of its owner. Yes, its name is...
  • A Tale of An Antique Book

    It’s an era of the thirty-fifth century. An era of gene therapy. And, diseases such as cancer & AIDS are completely & readily curable. They...

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    It’s an era of the thirty-fifth century. An era of gene therapy. And, diseases such as cancer & AIDS are completely & readily curable. They have solved the problem of pollution. The average human age is about 150 years & it’s an era where robots play an important role in society. India is now a...
  • A Mysterious Journey–A Fable about Journey in Search of God

    An important meeting is in progress in the conference hall. The participants are the chairperson of DRDO, scientists & well-known cardiologists & other medical experts....

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    An important meeting is in progress in the conference hall. The participants are the chairperson of DRDO, scientists & well-known cardiologists & other medical experts. ‘It is amazing, sir. He is under our observation for one month. But, neither has he taken any food nor water. Even though he is alright,’ says Dr. Deepak. Coordinator:...
  • THE ARCHEOLOGIST-A Story About Treasure Hunt

    Historians claim- India extended up to Afghanistan in the northeast and covered Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, West Bengal etc. in the western region. And, towards the...

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    Historians claim- India extended up to Afghanistan in the northeast and covered Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, West Bengal etc. in the western region. And, towards the south, Sri Lanka was part of Bharata. Afghanistan was known as Gandhar Pradesh. This was the period around 1300 BC when civilizations such as the Indus Valley flourished. Other cultures,...
  • A Horror Story- A Terrifying Encounter with a Ghost

    ‘Friends, our aim is to popularize science. Scientific understanding and scientific temper among the people of our country & throughout the world. We wish to...

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    ‘Friends, our aim is to popularize science. Scientific understanding and scientific temper among the people of our country & throughout the world. We wish to eradicate superstitions & false beliefs such as witchcraft. In fact, people believes in black magic & ghosts everywhere in the world. The people of the developed countries too believes in...
  • The Story of the Life of Madame Curie- Discovery of Polonium & Radium

    Manya (Marie) is about 11 years old now. Her mother dies due to Tuberculosis.  It’s really shocking to her. Her father is a professor at...

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    Manya (Marie) is about 11 years old now. Her mother dies due to Tuberculosis.  It’s really shocking to her. Her father is a professor at a college. But, due to certain political reasons, he is suspended from the job. It’s a poor family struggling for existence. Her father sends her to their home town- a...
  • Mental Suggestions-A Story of Unique Sensory Perception

    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted...

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    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted you to your hometown, Srinagar,’ says the president at flying officers meeting. ‘Two years before retirement, you are going to your hometown. So, you are very fortunate, Rajesh,’ adds he....
  • Adam and Eve- the Story of Creation of Human Beings from the Bible

    God was alone. There was nothing except him. Thus, he thought, ‘I am alone. Let me create a beautiful multiverse. Therefore, he created planets and...

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    God was alone. There was nothing except him. Thus, he thought, ‘I am alone. Let me create a beautiful multiverse. Therefore, he created planets and the whole universe. And God created the heavens and the earth. He said, ‘Let there be light and there was light.’ The sun’s existence created the day and the night...
  • The Blessing of the Goddess Ganga–Unique Story of Reunion

    It was a time of pandemic. You could hear the siren of ambulances moving here and there on the road. Hence, the highways were empty,...

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    It was a time of pandemic. You could hear the siren of ambulances moving here and there on the road. Hence, the highways were empty, and the railways were not running. No crowds on the streets, and mostly the doors of the houses remained closed. Humanity was passing through the worst of the time, as...
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