• Afghan Forces rip apart Wire Fence to express Love to Pakistan

    The Taliban government has a great affinity and love for Pakistan President Imran Khan. Hence, they wish to develop friendly relationships and brotherhood with the...

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    The Taliban government has a great affinity and love for Pakistan President Imran Khan. Hence, they wish to develop friendly relationships and brotherhood with the neighbor. But the Pakistan army was constructing wire fencing along the Afghan border. Somehow, the Afghan government got the information from the intelligence agencies. Thus, the general director of intelligence,...
  • The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Taliban Government

    They are heading towards chemical and nuclear warfare. They fight like bulls, killing innocent people, including children and women. People are leaving their motherland &...

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    They are heading towards chemical and nuclear warfare. They fight like bulls, killing innocent people, including children and women. People are leaving their motherland & many have already left. However, it seems they are in the Stone Age. It was the age when the tribes were fighting with each other. Hence, we say they were...
  • The Art of Horse Trading- Horses Blames of Spoiling Their Name

      Horse trading is in news these days. It’s an art. It seems it’s most important for leaders. Leaders of all political parties. Governments forms....

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      Horse trading is in news these days. It’s an art. It seems it’s most important for leaders. Leaders of all political parties. Governments forms. Governments collapse. It all sometimes depends on horse-trading. Trading of horses. Paying unbelievable money. Thus, buying horses. These horses are loyal to none. Hence, people cannot rely on these horses....
  • JNU hot Favorite University – Students Rushing towards the Campus for Admissions

    A peculiar trend is seen in J N University campus these days. Students are rushing towards the office. Thus, inquiring about the admission. Admission procedure...

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    A peculiar trend is seen in J N University campus these days. Students are rushing towards the office. Thus, inquiring about the admission. Admission procedure for the next academic year. This university is going to be a hot favourite. Favourite for the students of India. Thus, students prefer this university. Some even approach the office....
  • President declares as King of the World-Compels World Leaders to follow him

    President is now upset. He is under tension. He is facing impeachment. Impeachment by the legislature. Charges of abuse of power. Therefore, Congress may remove...

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    President is now upset. He is under tension. He is facing impeachment. Impeachment by the legislature. Charges of abuse of power. Therefore, Congress may remove him from power. Thus, he wants to escape from the problem. Escape impeachment. Besides, the presidential election is on the way. Therefore, he contacts one of his friends. President: Hello...
  • Police Arrest College Students Roaming with Girls Wearing Ripped Jeans

    It is an institute of fashion & Technology. The students are celebrating the birthday party of a colleague in a garden in front of the...

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    It is an institute of fashion & Technology. The students are celebrating the birthday party of a colleague in a garden in front of the college. The girls are wearing ripped jeans & shorts. Police enter & arrest the students. In fact, the students are shocked to see the behavior of the police. But, no...
  • Zelenskyy Release a New Film-‘The War Room’

    Zelenskyy created ‘Servant of the People’, a TV series of political satire and comedy. In this series, he played the role of Ukrainian prez. He...

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    Zelenskyy created ‘Servant of the People’, a TV series of political satire and comedy. In this series, he played the role of Ukrainian prez. He is an honest teacher who becomes a politician and, finally, the leader of Ukraine. This series was top-rated in the country. Interestingly, Ukrainians loved the character of Zelenskyy as the...
  • Sher khan-The Lion King Implements New Laws in the Jungle

    Sher Khan is the king of the jungle. He always worries about the well-being & happiness of the animals in his kingdom. Hence, visits all...

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    Sher Khan is the king of the jungle. He always worries about the well-being & happiness of the animals in his kingdom. Hence, visits all the well-known forest of the world. And observes the lifestyle of the animals living in different areas. On coming back to the motherland, an idea comes to his mind. ‘We...
  • President Retrieves Military Forces-Declares Victory over the Warfare

    The king of the empire is sad. In fact, he is unfortunate because he cannot accomplish his desire to win the war with the neighboring...

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    The king of the empire is sad. In fact, he is unfortunate because he cannot accomplish his desire to win the war with the neighboring country. It was the strong ambition of the king to win the country and merge it with the empire. But now, it’s been about six months since the war started....
  • Online Education- A Student Climbs a Tree for Attending Online Classes

    Civilization is passing from a miserable time. The human being is trapped right, in the hands of the deadly coronavirus.  We are waiting for the...

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    Civilization is passing from a miserable time. The human being is trapped right, in the hands of the deadly coronavirus.  We are waiting for the vaccine. But, we do not know how much time it will take. It seems it will take more time. During this period, one of the most affected areas is education....
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